There is no account with that information. Please try again.
Thank you for contacting Online Support. Your account has been locked as a
security measure due to multiple failed login attempts*. To have your
account unlocked please respond to this email with the last 6 digits of the
credit card used on your account for verification, or the shopper PIN for
your account. Once we receive this information we will then submit a request
to have your account unlocked.
*If you have the "Card on File" feature enabled, your account will become
locked after a single failed login. When using this feature you must either
make sure that you are careful to enter the correct password every time you
log into your account, or you will need to disable the "Card on File"
大体内容是说,由于有失败的登录,所以帐号被暂时锁定了,需要写信要求他们解除锁定,并附上付款的信用卡号部分好吗或者shopper PIN
验证身份。并且如果开通了Card on File
如果害怕帐号时常被锁定的话,可以取消Card on File
另外客服说的shopper PIN
或者Support Pin
,以及网站上显示的Call-in Pin