automanic下载后,压缩包中既有源码也有二进制文件,直接运行的话,提示缺包,先是提示缺少libCgGL.so, libCg.so,这个可以从 nvidia官网下载,解压缩后,选择对应的架构,把同名文件ln到/usr/lib即可;然后又提示缺少libode.so,安装源中的libode0c2,然后把libode.so.0 ln为/usr/lib/libode.so;再提示缺少libcal3d.so.11,安装源中的libcal3d11c2a即可。
然后就是个大牌了,提示缺少Crystal Space,于是安装crystalspace相关的包:
aptitude install crystalspace (同时会装上libalut0 libmikmod2)
aptitude install crystalspace-data
aptitude install crystalspace-dev
./configure …
checking for cel-config… no
configure: error:
*** CEL could not be found or was unusable. The latest version is always
*** available from http://cel.crystalspace3d.org/
看来还缺少cel,大概也是crystalspace项目的一部分,而cel也没有提供二进制文件,源中也没有,所以需要手工编译,从这里下载下来 源文件包,解压缩然后./configure & make & make install。
$ walktest
WARNING: could not load plugin 'crystalspace.graphics3d.opengl'
WARNING: failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.console.output.standard'
Segmentation fault
$ walktest
WARNING: could not load plugin 'crystalspace.font.server.freetype2′
WARNING: could not load plugin 'crystalspace.font.server.freetype2′
ERROR: Couldn't load plugin with class 'crystalspace.font.server.freetype2′!
WARNING: could not load plugin 'crystalspace.graphics2d.glx'
Error loading Graphics2D plugin.
WARNING: failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.graphics3d.opengl'
WARNING: failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.console.output.standard'
Segmentation fault
看来问题没有解决,还是把那三个包删除了吧。再回过头看看crystal space所依赖的外部包,逐一检查是否安装正常,问题也许就出在这里。
zlib - zlib1g, zlib1g-dev都已安装
libpng - libpng12-0, libpng12-dev都已安装
libjpeg - libjpeg-progs, libjpeg62都已安装
jam - 也安装上了
freetype2 - libfreetype6装上了,libfreetype6-dev没装,装之
cg - 上面说过了,已经装上了
ode - 同cg
bullet - 源中没找到对应,暂时先不装
cal3d - libcal3d11c2a已装,libcal3d11-dev没装,装之
lib3ds - 源中有lib3ds-dev,未装,装之
ogg/vorbis - libvorbis0a, libvorbisenc2已装,libvorbis-dev未装,先忽略声音问题,暂时先不装
libmng - libmng1已装,libmng-dev未装,装之,同时会捎带装上libjpeg62-dev liblcms1-dev
caca - caca-utils应该不用装吧,libcaca-dev未装,装之,同时会捎带装上libncurses5-dev libslang2-dev libx11-dev libxau-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev x11proto-core-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev x11proto-xext-dev xtrans-dev
cegui - libcegui-mk2-dev未装,装之,同时会捎带装上libcegui-mk2-0c2a libxerces27 libxerces27-dev
wxWidgets - 看介绍好像没用,不装了
maps - 运行demo所需要的,不装了
后来发现,我确实没有安装opengl的library,因为我忘记了凡是手工编译包的情况,都需要安装***-dev包,ev包中含有编译时需要的头文件,不带dev的包都只是二进制文件而已。所以,在安装 lincity的时候就顺利多了,凡是缺少的包我都能装上。不过最终还是没有能安装成功,因为configure之后,需要用jam编译,可我输入jam命令之后,电脑什么都不干,无奈只好再次放弃。下面是一些configure时缺少的包的安装记录:
checking for libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.11… Package libxml-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libxml-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'libxml- 2.0′ found
configure: error: Library requirements (libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.11) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
install packages: libglib2.0-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libxml++2.6-dev libxml++2.6c2a libxml2-dev
checking for OpenGL library… no
configure: error: Couldn't find opengl libraries or headers
install packages: libgl1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
checking for sdl-config… no
checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.5… no
*** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found
*** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to sdl-config.
configure: error: Please install libsdl >= 1.2.5
install packages: libaa1-dev libartsc0-dev libasound2-dev libaudio-dev libaudiofile-dev
libdirectfb-dev libdirectfb-extra libesd0-dev libfreetype6-dev
libglu1-mesa-dev libice-dev libjpeg62-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev
libslang2-dev libsm-dev libx11-dev libxau-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev
libxt-dev x-dev x11proto-core-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev
x11proto-xext-dev xtrans-dev
checking for SDL_mixer >= 1.2… not found
configure: error: Please install SDLMixer >=1.2.2
install packages: libogg-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsmpeg-dev libvorbis-dev
checking for SDL_image >= 1.2… not found
configure: error: Please install SDLImage >= 1.2.1
install packages: libsdl-image1.2-dev libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2
checking for SDL_ttf >= 2.0.0… not found
configure: error: Please install SDL_ttf >= 2.0.0
install packages: libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
checking for SDL_gfx >= 2.0.13… not found
configure: error: Please install SDL_gfx >= 2.0.13
install packages: libsdl-gfx1.2-4 libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
checking for physfs >= 1.0.0… not found
configure: error: Please install physfs >= 1.0
install packages: libphysfs-dev
再后来。。。我从lincity官网上发现,debian和ubuntu等linux下都有现成的二进制包可用,我居然舍近求远。。。猪年不利啊。。。:( 不过已经没有心情再安装了。